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I use this in scratch. Really cool!!!

It's cool!!! ;-)


OMG you are the greatest thing to grace the earth thank you you saint for making this free. You have helped me in the long run, and are such a great help to my programming adventure. Thank you.


Olá, estou criando um jogo PIXEL ART e gostaria de utilizar o seu modelo de Zumbi no meu jogo, ele será pago, caso não queira tudo bem!

hello bro i am programmer and i love gay zombies can i use it:))?

Thanks! Im using this in a jam, ill make sure to credit you

Hi! I loved this zombie, I used it in a project, thank you so much for making it available! 

can i use it for commercial use?


Really liked it, im using it in my non commercial, not public game,

using this to practise programming, and since i suck at art, this is really really useful thanks!

can i use this in my game? it is going to be paid for i understand if you dont want me to use it

thats fine its free


Hi, Can i use it in my game?

Of course! Anyone can. I don't see what is preventing anyone from using it without asking. Of course mentioning that I created it will alwyas help though.